Marketing Ruminations
What’s Your Plan?
December 28, 2024
Happy New Year! As 2025 rolls in and you’re back to work after the holidays, it’s time to ask yourself,”what’s my plan for the New Year?” As the old saying goes, those who fail to plan, plan to fail. It’s harsh, but it’s true. Too many businesses run from one urgent task to another, never […]
AI is Not Coming for Your PR
November 28, 2024
Call me a contrarian, but I’m not worried about AI taking away my business as a publicist. I’d like to give a few real life examples in my business that give me confidence in my irreplaceability (I know I’m jinxing myself just by saying that): By all means, keep ChatGPT, or Microsoft CoPilot, or whatever […]
Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce Selects Kathy Bennett Marketing LLC for Public Relations Services
September 16, 2023
Kathy Bennett Marketing LLC, a leading northern New Hampshire public relations and marketing consultancy, is proud to announce its selection as the official public relations consultant for the Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce, the premier destination marketing organization for the region. The Mt. Washington Chamber of Commerce (MWVCC) is dedicated to promoting the natural […]
How to Use ChatGPT for Marketing Content
March 23, 2023
Ok, OK, before we all have a hissy fit over AI taking over the world and ChatGPT taking over the jobs of everyone in marketing and website development, let’s all take a deep breath and understand what we’re really looking at. Because I’m intellectually curious, when I read that the robots were coming for my […]
DAM – How to Manage Your Business Photo Library
May 1, 2022
If there is one thing that gives me a chronic marketer’s headache, it’s managing clients’ photos. Photos are the single most important marketing investment (other than a killer website) a business can make. So it’s frustrating when businesses – even successful mature businesses – can’t get it together when it comes to managing their photo […]
Why A Good Website is Necessary
January 4, 2022
Welcome to my new website! Three years ago I launched my business and decided I would put time and money into a “real” website “later.” I threw together a quick Blogger site that frankly didn’t do me any favors. It got the word out but did not represent the quality of my work. It’s the […]
So What Is the Coconut Telegraph?
November 5, 2021
So what is the coconut telegraph? A coworker recently asked me this when the phrase carelessly dropped from my lips during a conversation about a missed PR opportunity. It’s an expression I came up with after working in an organization that had a large and gossipy staff, who would take a rumor and run with […]
Make Email Marketing Your Super Power
October 26, 2021
Email marketing is a vital part of any company’s marketing mix. I like to think of it as my marketing “super power.” As a Constant Contact Partner, I’m able to offer businesses sizeable discounts on new and existing Constant Contact accounts. CC is rolling out Black Friday discounts early. Ask me how you can use […]
Thank You to My Amazing Clients!
September 20, 2021
I’m working on a new website (finally!) and sat down to make a list of everyone I’ve worked with over the last two years since starting Kathy Bennett Marketing, LLC. I am so grateful to these wonderful businesses and organizations who have trusted me with their PR, marketing and communications. If you’d like to be […]
How to Organize Your New Website Content
March 5, 2021
I’ve been developing content for websites for as long as there have been websites! So I’ve learned a few tricks along the way to make this often-arduous and always-time-consuming process easier for all involved. My process has developed over the years as I worked on website launches that were spectacular disasters in terms of process. […]
How To Write a Blog
September 12, 2020
As a content marketer, I write blogs – a LOT. I recently had a client ask me what I needed to write a blog post for them, and I was able to list these steps: 1. Define the blog post’s objective – What are we trying to accomplish? Driving leads to fill out a form? […]